I inherited my father’s love of the mountains, geography, history and travel. Despite being crippled from polio, he took the family on many summer camping trips but I was largely responsible for setting up and breaking our tent camps. When I retired in 2007, we wanted to travel but our sixty-pound dog Sparky refused to be left behind, so we began to consider an RV (mostly for the dog, of course). We quickly realized however that Rosie would not need to sleep on the ground with the snakes, I could occupy the captain’s chair of a big rig, and that we could camp without all the hassles. It all made sense! So, we bought a very used 2000 Holiday Rambler diesel pusher and hit the road. As we begin our 13th season, we have a newer rig with more slides, have travelled coast to coast and border to border visiting our 50th state this past fall. We made our first rally with Cuatro Estados in Ruidoso in 2017 and now look forward to travels a bit closer to home with our new Cuatro Estados friends.
Katrina Cooper & I started RVing the year before we retired and enjoyed it so much, we upgraded to a Glamper the next year. I've had my share of tents with the US Army & spending nights sleeping in Hotel UH60 Blackhawk. We knew we liked travel; it was best accomplished in an RV so we could bring our furry family. And we've seen enough of the world; it is now time to see parts of the USA we haven't seen.
As for being the Cuatro Estados VP & Wagon Master, I understand that volunteering is a phase in retirement. We find ourselves having so much fun with these folks. My occupational background was 33 years in Aviation; mostly helicopters with US Army (20 yrs) & DHS-CBP-AMO (20 yrs) but I'm also rated in Fixed Wing Aircraft. Instead of buying a plane in retirement, I bought the Motorhome so all in our family can all enjoy it....but the MH is just as expensive to operate as my dream Airplane, a 2016 PA46.
This Chapter is operated & managed by its members. If its members don't host rallies, there will be no rallies to attend. Research where you would like a rally, and become a Rally Master and share your love of your interests with like-minded members.
We were never campers or had an RV until my husband and I retired. We did enjoy the outdoors and the ocean in the S Florida area. Once we sold our home in Miami and retired, we purchased a Winnebago View and started our full time adventures. On our first trip, we decided to head west and have hardly been back to Florida. That was back in 2017. We lived in the View for 3 1/2 years and then bought a 34’ class for the added comfort. We joined the Cuatro Estados and have enjoyed several rallies. We travel extensively so we might not make it to too many rallies. We love to meet fellow RVers and share our love of discovering new places.
Stephanie and I first started camping in the Uintas in Utah way back in 1970. We had just purchased sleeping bags and tried sleeping under the stars. A thunderstorm hit and we quickly retreated to the cramped comfort of our VW Beetle. I then decided that we needed more protection so I went to the Army/Navy store and purchased some used bivouac shelter halves. We tried this new setup out in Yellowstone NP. The first night we were invaded by chipmunks since we had no enclosed flooring, and a bear wandering about spooked Stephanie so she quickly retreated to the VW Beetle. From this point forward I was encouraged to purchase an enclosed tent setup which we joyfully used for many years. Upon semi-retirement in 2007 we bought our first of 4 RV’s. We now own a 2022 Newmar Baystar Sport Class A. We have taken many trips over the years including Alaska, the Pacific NW, the Canadian Maritimes, the Polar Bear Excursion in Churchill, Manitoba, New England, the Outer Banks and Key West. We never grow tired of planning new trips and attending rallies. We have been members of Cuatro Estados for nearly three years and last year hosted a rally in Gallup, NM.
Biography soon.
Photo above of Me & Gloria Romansik rowing for fun at the Cardboard Regatta in at a Rally in Craig Colorado - July 2023
Katrina Cooper & I started RVing the year before we retired and enjoyed it so much, we upgraded to a nicer one the next year. I've had my share of tents with the US Army & spending nights sleeping in the UH60 Blackhawk (they leak BTW). We knew we liked travel; it was best accomplished in an RV so we could bring our furry family. And we've seen enough of the world; it is now time to see parts of the USA we haven't seen with friends in Cuatro Estados.
As for being the Cuatro Estados webmaster, You will soon find yourself having so much fun with these folks, that you'll want to volunteer for this stuff! Really, I've had PCs & tech in order to keep up with technology. If you have questions about personal technology stuff, I may know where to direct you. My background was 33 years in Aviation; I'm learning how to manage this GoDaddy operated website & the Facebook Group.
This document is for purposes of clarifying and defining the duties of elected Chapter officers. It also serves as clarifying and defining the duties of other chapter personnel essential to its function, such as the Rally Master.
FMCA National ByLaws specifies an individual FMCA member may hold no more than two (2) offices in the same chapter, nor hold chapter office in more than one (1) chapter.
A Nominating Committee, consisting of not less than three Chapter members in good standing, shall be elected by the Chapter membership not less than 20 days prior to scheduled election of officers. This committee will nominate all Chapter officers, and a National Director and an Alternate National Director to sit on the Governing Board of FMCA National. Election of an individual to the Nominating Committee shall not prohibit that person from being nominated for any office. All nominees must indicate clear acceptance to serve if elected, to adhere to the Chapter ByLaws, and to carry out the duties of that position as presented in this document.
In the event that any officer, after elected, finds that he/she cannot serve out his/her term, then the Nominating Committee shall come up with at least one alternative and present it to the membership for a vote.
Election of Officers shall be held each year, usually in September, and may be either at a designated meeting or by ballot. The Chapter officers shall consist of an elected President, one or more Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, National Director, and Alternate National Director. The office of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined. A chapter officer is not precluded from election as the National Director or as the Alternate National Director.
The Nominating Committee will present their nominees, with additional nominations allowed from the floor (if at a meeting) or by write in (if by ballot). The terms of the Chapter officers may begin immediately upon election but no later than January 1st of the coming year, and be for the entire year. There shall be no limit to the number of terms any officer may serve. The date and results of the election of Chapter officers shall be promptly reported in writing to the FMCA National Headquarters.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, National Director, and Alternate National Director. This committee is responsible for: (a) format and content of chapter documents available to the general public (such as brochures, introductory packets, etc); (b) approval of chapter expendures exceeding $50; (c) appointing an individual to fill any vacancies in chapter officers or personnel; (d) approval of any discretionary inclusions in the newsletter that editor deems questionable or inordinary; (e) determination/change in amount provided to Chapter National Director or alternate individual representing us at FMCA National Governing Board Meetings; (f) and any other matters any officer wishes the Executive Committee to consider or rule on.
The elected Chapter President is the leader of the chapter and presides at meetings of the chapter membership. One meeting is required annually by FMCA national, but more may be conducted, as the president deems necessary. He/She is responsible for ensuring the duties of the other chapter officers are carried out, as required by FMCA National and the chapter bylaws.
Once a year the President shall review Chapter finances with the Treasurer. If dues or fees need to be increased, he/she shall hold an Executive Committee meeting to determine amount, and put to a membership vote according to the Bylaws.
The president shall pass on to the membership any information received from FMCA national deemed of importance to Chapter members.
If no member volunteers to be Rally Master at a chapter function, the President should either appoint one or perform this duty himself/herself, along with the Vice President-Wagonmaster.
The President keeps all rally supplies & materials (schedule board, flags, table cloths, directional signs, posters, easle, etc.) belonging to the chapter, and ensures they are taken to the rallies/campouts and returned.
[Note: This position can be split into two, with the VP supporting and backing up the Wagonmaster in His/Her tasks.]
The Vice President assists the President, and serves as presiding officer in the absence of the President, or upon a vacancy occurring in the office of President.
As Wagonmaster, the Vice President sets up the schedule for all chapter activities/campouts for the year, and makes all arrangements and reservations for campgrounds and facilities. He/She will solicit input and suggestions from the membership for locations and choices. The Wagonmaster shall be in charge of safety, assistance in emergencies, maintenance of law and order, control of objectional noise, marking of confusing road junctions, ground housekeeping, control of campfires, and any and all other matters which relate to the physical arrangements and conduct of said rally or campout.
The rally schedule and any necessary reservations with rally locations should be completed in the fall of prior year. This basic information should be provided to the membership no later than January 1st of that year. The Vice President should also provide the basic rally list (date, location, contact info) to FMCA for inclusion in the Chapter Calendar both on FMCA website and in the FMC Magazine.
The VP/Wagonmaster will solicit volunteer "Rally Masters" to be in charge of each individual campout or event. Attempts should be made to have Rally Masters lined up at the beginning of the year. If no volunteer comes forward for a particular campout, then the Vice President, along with the President, is responsible for that campout as Wagonmaster. (See "Rally Master" Section, following Chapter Officers' Duties.)
In the event the Chapter Treasurer is not present at a rally, campout, or event, the Vice President or his/her appointed Rally Master, is responsible for collecting the rally fee and submitting it to the Chapter Treasurer.
The VP/Wagonmaster shall provide the Chapter's Newsletter Editor with the annual schedule for publication, and ensure that the Editor receives all pertinent information regarding each particular campout and/or event each month for publication. This should normally be provided by the Rally Master for that rally, but the Wagonmaster is reponsible for making sure the information is provided, including directions to location.
The Chapter Secretary shall process & reply to any correspondence received from FMCA national (requiring a response). Near the end of each year, FMCA National Office sends a chapter report listing our members and pertinent information, which the Secretary corrects and returns. This report shall contain the complete membership list of names and FMCA numbers of the chapter's members, along with a list of incumbent chapter officers, and certification that the chapter held the required meeting during the chapter's previous fiscal period.
The Secretary shall promptly report, in writing, to the National Office the results of any election or change in status of chapter officers. This report shall include addresses and telephone numbers of each person so elected.
The Secretary is expected to record in a Chapter Minute Book the proceedings of all meetings of the chapter's membership. These signed minutes shall be read and approved at the next meeting, unless said reading is waived by majority vote. Minutes of all meetings are to be kept available in the event a member of the chapter desires to read them. If unable to attend a meeting, the Secretary should solicit another officer or member to record the minutes of the meeting and provide said minutes to the Secretary.
Each month FMCA sends the Chapter Secretary a list of new FMCA members within our area (AZ, CO, NM, UT). The secretary then reviews this list for potential new members and sends an email or postal mail introducing our chapter and inviting membership. (Based on proximity to our most common camping locations, not all on the list are applicable; but selection is at the discretion of the Secretary.)
The Chapter Treasurer receives, safeguards, and holds all chapter funds in the name of the chapter and its trustee and fiscal agent. This includes maintaining a balanced checking account in the name of the chapter, of which a minimum of two (2) officers shall have signature authorization.
He/She is responsible for accepting new membership applications, and ordering name badges for the new members (which are then sent, by the Treasurer, to the new member). Upon receiving a new membership application and payment, a copy of the application shall be provided to the President, Secretary and Newsletter Editor. He/She also provides any new member with a copy of the Membership Directory and the Chapter ByLaws.
He/She collects the annual dues from the membership, confirms the member is a paid up FMCA National member, and reports to the President any membership delinquency. The Treasurer maintains the Chapter Membership Book, recording membership dues payments each year for each member.
Collection of rally/campout fees or any other funds due the chapter are also the Treasurer's responsibility, but may be handled by the Rally Master or Wagonmaster/VP.
The Treasurer keeps accurate accounts of all chapter funds and renders reports on same at each business meeting of the chapter's membership, or as requested by any member. He/She also meets with the President at year end to review financials, and recommends when dues or fees need to be increased. The Treasurer also provides a published written annual financial accounting (in the newsletter) to the membership shorty after the close of the fiscal year.
The Treasurer disburses chapter funds for authorized chapter purposes, such as expenses associated with rallies/campouts/events, and newsletter publishing and mailing. Any expense incurred by an officer or member that exceeds $50 must first be approved by the Executive Committee.
The Chapter has a T-shirt design, and offers chapter T-shirts for sale to members. The ordering & supply of these shirts is handled by the Treasurer.
The Chapter's National Director serves on the Governing Board of FMCA National, and represents the Chapter by input, comments, and votes on National issues. He/She should be present at Governing Board meetings (usually held in conjunction with National FMCA Rallies, twice a year), to represent the Chapter membership in all matters pertaining to decisions being made at the National level. Any issues requiring a vote should be brought before the Chapter membership in a meeting, and a majority membership vote obtained for purposes of the National Director voting the wishes of the Chapter.
The National Director will, throughout the year, receive information from FMCA National as to actions and/or activities concerning FMCA National, and the membership in general, and should pass on this information (verbally or in writing through the newsletter) to the Chapter membership when pertinent.
The National Director will receive partial expenditure reimbursement of $200 from Chapter funds for the purpose of attending Executive Meetings. Under some circumstances, as determined by the Executive Committee, additional reimbursement may be made by the Chapter.
Adherence to FMCA=s ANational Director Guidelines,@ as provided by FMCA national office, is expected.
[This position may be split into Editor and Publisher positions.]
The Editor writes and publishes a newsletter once a month, and e-mails or (postal) mails it to all chapter members in good standing. This should be done in a timely manner, preferably as near the beginning on the month as feasible.
Format and layout of the newsletter is at the editor's discretion, but any serious deviation from prior years' newsletters is subject to approval by the Chapter President and Vice President.
The newsletter should contain, but is not limited to, pertinent information for the next campout or event including location, activities, etc. as provided by the Rally Master or Wagonmaster. This is the MOST important information to provide the membership.
It should also include a brief report on the rally/event just completed, including names of members attending. This should be solicited from any member who attended the rally, or the Rally Master or Wagonmaster.
It should also contain any reports submitted by any Officer. (Ideally, officers should each provide a short report for each newsletter, but this is not always possible or necessary.) It may also contain news of any members (i.e., who's traveling, what's happening, etc.), and any assortment of items the editor deems of interest to the membership. "Filler" items such as poems, sayings, member recipes, may be included as editor's discretion.
For potentially controversal items ("editorials"), the President & Vice President should be consulted.
Members are also allowed to submit motorhome-related items for sale for inclusion in the newsletter.
The addition of photographs is encouraged too. Or the publishing of a separate "issue" quarterly of rally photos only, at Executive Committee's discretion.
Costs for printing and mailing the newsletter should be submitted to the Treasurer each month for reimbursement.
An Annual Membership Directory should be published and copies provided to the chapters membership. This can be as detailed or as simple as the Executive Committee deems important or necessary. The costs for such publication should be preapproved by the Executive Committee.
This directory should be completed and made available no later than March 15th of each calendar year. The expense for the mailing of these directories to the membership are also to be covered by chapter funds.
Minimum information should include a listing for each chapter member, their contact information, FMCA number, and motorhome information. Currently we also list their birthday & anniversary dates, emergency contact information, and a variety of other pertinent items they wish to share. Also, a very nice feature that has been used for a number of years is the inclusion of color photographs of each member. Since the cost of including photos has been partially donated by the editor/publisher in years past, the continuation of this is dependent on either His/Her generosity, or the Executive Committee deeming the importance be worth the expense and have the chapter cover the costs completely.
[This position may be split into two, and handled by any of the officers or volunteers, but preferably by someone who is an active participant in the chapters rallies/events.
Chapter Rallymasters
The Rallymaster is a volunteer who has agreed to be in charge of a particular rally or event.
CE Rallymaster Guide 2023
The Rallymasteris a volunteer who has agreed to oversee a particular rally or event.
Our annual schedule is usually determined and arranged no later than 1 October for the following year. If you are interested in a specific location, be sure to get your ideas to the Wagonmaster no later than July. It’s fun to plan a rally to a place you have always wanted to go.
If the rally schedule has already been published for the year and there are available rallies, you can pick which one where you wish to be Rallymaster. If interested in one for which there is already a Rallymaster is listed, then contact that person and offer to assist. This is one of the best ways to get familiar with what is involved without being the person responsible.
Keep in mind the following suggestions are to help you prepare your rally but are not an all-inclusive list of “to do’s” – when in doubt, feel free to discuss your ideas with any of our officers, who have experience and can help you. The best place to get a feel for what’s involved is look at schedules of prior and upcoming rallies published on our website.
Most importantly, we are always open to new ideas, new locations, and new ways of doing things. We like rallies that are “different” so feel free to make it as individualistic as yourself!
Duties include planning all activities and meals that will happen at that rally and overseeing everything at that rally. Activities may include, but are neither required nor limited to, scenic or historic drives, hikes, games, entertainment. Meals may include, but are neither required nor limited to, potlucks, breakfasts, going to restaurants, happy hour & snacks. Include rally reservation info - generally each member makes their own reservation.
3 Months Before Your Rally
Prepare a rally teaser for website to generate interest in your rally. Tell generally what you have planned. This teaser should be provided to both the Wagonmaster/ Website Editor at least three months in advance.
2 Months Before Your Rally
Provide a day-by-day schedule (with times) of planned activities the attendees will experience on your rally. Include places you will visit, names of restaurants, areas your will visit by car, etc.
Keep track of attendees- Members planning to attend your rally should contact you at least 4 weeks before the rally so that you have a head count for buying supplies and making plans. If there is a rally fee let your attendees know.
Limiting Your Rally- to prevent your rally from getting too big you can set the max number of people you are willing to accept.
2-3 Weeks before Rally-
Contact attendees. Email your final schedule to each attendee, with any additional details they need to know. Everyone understands that your list of activities may be altered due to weather and availability. It’s also helpful to bring extra copies of your schedule, for those who didn’t bring theirs, or who “never got it”.
Planning Your Rally
Research for Activities
When needed, the Wagonmaster or other officers can provide you with a list of possible activities, and/or what to do/see for the rally area. You may want to augment these lists with online information.
For help with:
Dining options refer to yelp.com or Tripadvisor.com.
Area activities- go online to the town’s chamber of commerce. OR Go online to “tripadvisor.com” and type in “Ten things to do in _______________”
Length of Rally
Most often a rally is 5-6 days and tends to follow this pattern:
Day 1- arrival day. Usually, we have a heavy snack and BYOB get-together at 5 pm
We greet others and discuss the rest of the rally’s activities.
Day 2-4 or 5- planned activities
Day 5 or 6 - departure day. Some rallies have a breakfast/snack before leaving and others do not.
Occasionally, some rallies are longer, especially if it is out of our 4-corner states or in faraway places. Or there’s a lot of things to see and do in that location.
Activities vary depending on the area we are visiting and what is available in the area to see. In the past, at some rallies, the group traveled each day to explore scenic or historical sites, go on adventurous jeep trails or hikes, and/or go biking or kayaking or other sports activities. At other rallies, attendees stayed mostly in the campground and played games (did pantomimes, played bocce ball, cornhole or horseshoes. Went on scavenger hunts, told ghost stories, had duck races or created gowns out of trash bags, and generally had a good time just relaxing. You don’t have to try to do everything available in the area at your rally. Leave some activities for the next time we visit there. Also, it is always good to mix things up --- one day of traveling a distance, and the next day exploring something nearby or staying in camp with an activity. Often rallies include an “on-your-own day” where the attendees choose whatever they wish to do – be it sharing an activity/trip with another attendee who shares same interest, or just sitting under a tree reading a book.
Hints for planning Activities
Usually there are lots of things to do at each area. Pick the activities that YOU will enjoy doing.
Plan some down time. Three days of going and doing 8 hours a day can be tiring.
Day 2- make it a light driving day since people spent the previous day driving to the rally.
Evenings-- plan a few free evenings -- no activity after the “happy hour”.
Generally, after sight-seeing for 8 hours, people want to relax at their rig.
Meals– It’s up to you whether attendees share meals or not.
Hosted meal -- often the Rallymaster will provide a specific dish for the whole group (anything from tacos, BBQ pork to a pot of soup) and have attendees bring side dishes.
Eating Out -- try to plan not more than one eating out experience per day --
Also, it’s fine to have a sack lunch mid-day and then eat out for dinner.
Potlucks-- try to schedule potlucks on day 2 or 3 so that leftovers can be eaten the following day. You can pick a “theme” for your potluck (such as Mexican food, etc), or just leave it wide open for attendees to bring whatever they wish.
Reimbursement for Costs
Sometimes for an evening meal the rallymasters will provide the whole meal keep it simple, like big pot of soup or tacos. Or you could provide the main (meat-based) dish (such as grilling chicken), with attendees bringing side dishes. Another option is a continental breakfast or breakfast brunch potluck one morning. Whatever you feel like providing if anything but hosting a meal is not required.
To cover your expenses, you should plan on charging a “rally fee” – we usually like to keep it at around $8/person. This is done very informally; there is no accountability required as to how you spent the money you collected.
If there is going to be a charge for an event you have scheduled, be sure attendees know this in advance so they know what to expect… especially if it requires cash (so people can come prepared).
Rallymaster Pointers:
· Call ahead to book places, (restaurants, museums etc.).
· Stick to your schedule, don’t second guess yourself
· Try to have same departure times each day
· Don’t have a potluck the first night, which was a travel day, no prep time
· Please don’t have a breakfast potluck on departure day. A continental breakfast could work.
· Advise group of the rally schedule in advance, make sure all have a schedule and bring a few extra.
· Bring electronic membership directory with you or load attendees phone numbers and email into your phone so you can contact them with updates.
· Remind attendees that they do not have to do everything on the rally schedule but to let you know if they will not be attending an event.
· Call places such as restaurants, museums etc. when you arrive to remind them you have a group coming.
After the Rally
Submit a Rally Report (write-up of your rally).
Within a week after the rally, provide the Wagonmaster /website editor with a description of what happened. Submit a plain word document and attach or send photos separately. Do not embed photos in your write up or send PDF's.
You simply list the attendees for the rally and describe the highlights of each day. Also please try to provide a few photos. If possible, include tidbits about the attendees. For example:
- While out hiking Becky and Bob were caught in a thunderstorm.
-Rosie served barbecues for all using a recipe handed down in her family.
-Franklin won first prize due to his gumption and strategy.
Never been a Rallymaster before?
Ask one of the “experienced” members to co-host with you; then you too can become a pro at it.
Thank you for volunteering! You’ll always have plenty of help at each rally -- just ask!
Chapter Coordinator(s) Duties
CE Chapter Coordinators for RMMA Region I Rally-
· Have a list of attendees with contact info
· Welcome everyone from our chapter
· Secured a table for us to sit together
· Host post dinner campfire(s)
· Host happy hours
· Planned a driving excursion for those who wanted to attend
CE Chapter Coordinators for RMMA Regional Rally-
Prior to the rally CE members will be asked to volunteer to assist with things such as security, transportation and seminars.
· Secure chapter fair posters, easels, tablecloths, business cards, signs etc. from chapter president
· Make a list of attendees and their locations or contact info
· Welcome everyone
· Host a happy hour(s) with heavy snacks or a pot dinner (maybe salad and soup or chili)
· Set up the Chapter Fair and recruit new members
CE Chapter Coordinator for FMCA National Convention-
The chapter coordinators job is doing just these kinds of things – Being the face of Cuatro Estados at the event, letting our members know where they are and just being there for our members. Not a big responsibility but just a friendly, welcoming face in the crowd.
The name of this not-for-profit organization shall be the Cuatro Estatos Chapter (hereinafter referred to as “chapter”) of the Family Motor Coach Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “FMCA”).
1. PURPOSE: This chapter exists to promote social, recreational, and informational exchange activities that provide for the enjoyment and pleasurable use of family member coaches.
2. AREA: This chapter shall be authorized to function in the Rocky Mountain Area.
3. SCOPE: (Select the type of chapter to be used throughout this document)
This chapter has members with a mutual interest in discovery of our world, expanding friendships and enjoying life. Our current interest/destinations include national/state parks lands, remote or forest service locations, areas known for spectacular scenery, 4-wheeling, back roads, visiting historical sites, flora & fauna interest, rock hounding, bird-watching, photography and anything else someone suggests to pursue! Most of our members are drawn from the location of the Four Corners geographical area.
A. To be eligible for and to maintain membership in the chapter, a person must be in good standing with FMCA, and meet the dues requirement and provisions set forth in the bylaws of this chapter.
B. Membership in this chapter shall not be denied any person because of race, sex, religion, color, marital or family status, age, nationality, or disability.
2. The term “family unit,” is defined as a person; his or her spouse, or partner; dependents of each, regardless of age; non-dependent grandchildren and great-grandchildren aged 18 and under.
3. The term “membership,” is defined as either a family unit or an individual or individuals owning a qualifying motor coach who share a membership number.
4. The term “member,” is defined as each adult who, jointly or individually, constitutes a membership. The rights of each member are defined in the description of each category contained in Article III (3) of the FMCA Bylaws.
5. A member must own a qualifying motor coach (motorhome) or at least 1/3 interest in a qualifying motor coach (motorhome) in order to vote or hold office in this chapter.
6. The term “qualifying motor coach,” is defined as a self-propelled, completely self-contained vehicle that contains all the conveniences of a home, including cooking, sleeping, and permanent sanitary facilities, and in which the driver’s area is directly accessible in a walking position from the living quarters. The terms motor coach and motorhome may be used interchangeably.
A. ANNUAL DUES: Annual payment of chapter and national dues enables persons to become active members and entitled to all rights and privileges of the chapter and FMCA. The annual dues for membership in the chapter shall be an amount as the membership shall establish.
B. RENEWAL: Renewal dues from chapter members become due and payable January 1st.
C. INITIAL APPLICATION: Application for new membership shall be accompanied by payment of annual chapter and national dues (unless already an FMCA member). If an initial application is accepted after October 1st, the dues shall be regarded as covering the next membership year.
C. INITIATION FEE: New and reinstated members may be required to pay an initiation fee in an amount to be established by the chapter membership.
E. ARREARS: Any member whose dues remain unpaid for more than one month after becoming due January 1st , shall be considered delinquent and their membership will be canceled.
1. DUTIES OF OFFICERS: The duties of elected officers shall be as defined in the Member and Volunteer Handbook.
2. TERMS OF OFFICE: The elected officers of this chapter shall serve a one year term of office, or until their successors are elected.
A. An individual FMCA member may hold either a single office in each of two chapters or two offices in one chapter. A member may hold the office of national director or alternate national director in only one chapter.
B. Any member in good standing may be nominated from the floor for any elective office.
C. No official or member shall become vested of any right, title to, or interest in any chapter property, except as required by law.
A. The officers of the chapter shall constitute the Executive Board.
B. The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the chapter between its business meetings. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the chapter, and none of its acts shall be in conflict with the chapter or FMCA.
1. APPOINTMENT: Committee members and chairperson (except Nominating Committee) shall be appointed by the president.
2. DUTIES: All committees shall function within the policies of the chapter and (except Nominating Committee) under the direction of the president. Financial reports, vouchers, and monies due the chapter shall be submitted on a timely basis.
3. QUORUM: A committee quorum shall be a majority.
1. AUTHORITY: This chapter shall be democratically self-governed, deriving its existence and authority from the consent of its membership assembled in meeting or, in certain instances, by mail vote on stated propositions.
2. ORGANIZATIONAL YEAR: The fiscal and membership year of the chapter shall commence on January 1st and end on December 31st.
A. TYPES: The term “meeting” shall include coach rallies, camp outs, dinner meetings, and any other gatherings suitable to the function of the chapter.
B. BUSINESS MEETINGS: In each fiscal year, a chapter shall hold at least one business meeting at which a quorum is present. The meeting can be a gathering in one area or where some or all of the members communicate with other members through electronic means such as the Internet or by telephone that allows all members the opportunity for simultaneous aural communication. Said meeting shall be duly announced in advance to the membership, including adequate description of how to participate.
The voting general membership is to elect chapter officers, including a president, vice president, a secretary, a treasurer, a national director, and an alternate national director.
A quorum for the transaction of business at any duly-called chapter meeting is 25% of the chapter family unit memberships or fifteen family unit memberships, whichever is less.
E. VOTING: Except as specified elsewhere in these bylaws, a simple majority vote of F# and L# members in good standing and voting shall be required to approve or disapprove any matter.
Voting will be one vote for each adult member.
Balloting by mail may be undertaken when a proposed matter is voted to be of such importance or urgency that a total membership vote is advisable.
F. PARLIAMENTARY PROCESS: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this chapter's proceedings to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of FMCA, and the bylaws of this chapter.
This chapter must maintain a minimum of fifteen family unit memberships.
The chapter secretary shall furnish to the national office of FMCA, no later than December 31st each year, a membership list, a list of chapter officers, and assurance that a business meeting was held.
5. ANNUAL AUDIT: An annual audit of the chapter’s financial books and records shall be undertaken and reported to the membership.
6. APPLICATION OF NATIONAL CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS: This chapter accepts and agrees that the chapter bylaws shall conform to any mandatory requirements stipulated in the Constitution and Bylaws of FMCA.
A. The Nominating Committee shall consist of not less than three chapter members in good standing, nominated and elected yearly by the chapter membership.
B. Election of an individual to the Nominating Committee shall not prohibit that person from being nominated for elected office.
A. To select one of its members as Nominating Committee Chairman.
B. To nominate candidates for the chapter offices of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, national director, and an alternate national director for the new term to be presented for voting by the chapter membership.
C. To obtain clear acceptance of the nominees to serve the chapter should they be elected.
D. To make certain that nominated candidates are members in good standing and qualified under applicable national and chapter bylaws.
E. To nominate candidates to fill vacancies that occur in elected chapter offices.
1. MANDATORY AMENDMENTS: National Bylaw amendments applicable to chapter operations shall be automatically adopted by the chapter and are not subject to a vote by the chapter membership.
2. AMENDING PROCEDURE: These bylaws may be amended by a 65% affirmative vote of the members present and voting at a duly-called meeting, providing that prior notice of at least 30 days has been given of the proposition(s) to amend.
Any member of the chapter may propose amendments to the bylaws.
Approved amendments to these bylaws become effective immediately upon their adoption, or at such time as specified in the amendment.
3. DISTRIBUTION: Copies of changes, additions, amendments, or revisions to these bylaws shall be forwarded to the national office and to the National Area Vice President.
This chapter may adopt Standing Rules to provide guidelines and procedures by which the chapter may function and operate.
This chapter of FMCA may be dissolved by a majority vote of chapter members. All of the remaining assets of the chapter shall be contributed to the purpose(s) for which the chapter is organized, or to a qualified non-profit charity or charities.
EFFECTIVE: June 26, 2014