Rally venue – Hacienda RV Resort - https://www.haciendarv.com/
Scot & Betsy Gubin
Matt Bentson & Katrina Cooper
Bill & Beverly Eckel
Bruce Wiseman & Tina Hilton
Allen F & Lynn Buckingham
Pat & Gloria Romansik RV Site
...and a few more
Monday 15 April
Attendees were treated to a catered meal with Italian Sandwiches arranged by the Rally Masters.
Tuesday 16 April
The group assembled in front of the clubhouse to caravan out to the City Of Rocks State Park between Deming, NM & Silver City, NM. The Park Rangers gave a nice tour of the Visitor Center and the park. They explained how the City Of Rocks came to be and the many people who established themselves within the local area. After the tour, the group went to an overlook site before heading to Lunch at the eclectic Adobe Bar & Grill. After a filling lunch, we headed back to the campground but first stopped to gawk at the Giant Roadrunner overlooking Mesilla Valley. The Roadrunner statue made of discarded items found along the highway is perched next to the Rest Stop along I-10. The evening was finished on the campground's back porch with snacks and discussion of the days activities.
Wednesday 17 April
Space Museum
Thursday 18 April
Friday 19 April
Saturday 20 April
The Texas BBQ Trail Rally is in the books for May 13-25, 2024. I think everyone, or at least, most of us were in agreement as to the scoring of the BBQ winners.
(1) Franklin’s(2) Salt Lick(3) Black’s(4) Cooper’s
Sunday June 9th,
Monday June 10-
Tuesday June 11th
Wednesday June 12th
Thursday June 13th
Friday June 14th
Saturday June 15th
Sunday June 16th
No Rally this July 2024
No Rally this month
Monument Valley Rally Report
October 20-23. 2024 Gene and Rosie Dorsey, Rallymasters
Sixteen Mummies and Monsters joined Ghoulish Gene and Rosie the Ripper in the haunted, shadowy, recesses of Monument Valley. In very clever disguises and costumes they included Matt Bentson & Katrina Cooper; Phil & Stephanie Bishop; Collin & Connie Broughton; Craig & Klea Ford; Tom & Martha Galvary; Steve & Christine Reid; Ron Reinhardt & Ingrid Holliger; Pat & Gloria Romansik.
20th Sun. We all arrived on a wet and cold day but with sunshine late in the afternoon. We set up tables for a meet and greet next to the Dorsey site and it was a beautiful (but chilly) setting near the red arch at Goulding’s RV Resort. We had snacks and visited around two fire rings that were festive but not enough to keep us warm, so it was a short evening.
21st Mon (early) Gene found a naked, ugly baby doll covered in frost ‘neath his windshield wiper. We made arrangements for a Navajo guided tour of Monument Valley and departed the RV Park at 11am. It was cold in the 20 seats mounted to the bed of a big truck but warmed up considerably as Larry our guide slowed down when we got to the rough roads. The monuments were amazing and we learned a great deal about the Navajo, the monuments, and the movies and events filmed there. All of us took lots of pictures, some bought Navajo jewelry, and others a warm cup of something at the trading areas we stopped at. Upon arriving back at the campsite, Ugly Baby reappeared but this time dressed a bit.
At 5pm we all met at the Pilot’s Lounge (courtesy of the Goulding’s group sales manager Brad Upshaw) for a Halloween party. The venue was decorated and very comfortable. Everyone arrived in costume and pictures were taken with a Halloween backdrop. After a wonderful pot luck featuring Rosie the Reaper’s Witches Brew Stew as well as lot of Halloween themed dishes and treats, we played Halloween games with everyone going home with some appropriate gift. Who left with the Ugly Baby?
22nd Tue. In five vehicles, and with radios duly tuned to channel 10, we departed for a scary, spine tingling road trip. The first scare we had was that somehow the ugly, bald baby had once again reappeared. Our first stop was at Forrest Gump Point where a plump Forrest Gump appeared all hairy, in short red shorts, and high white socks for a photo shoot on the highway. After stopping most of the traffic and amusing the tourists, we had a group photo of the valley.
Our next stop was to see the Mexican Hat rock formation and then on to Gooseneck State Park overlooking the San Juan river as it twisted and turned in the canyons below us. From there we climbed 1200 feet out of the valley on a narrow, gravel road with no guard rails, 10% grades and multiple switch backs to the top of the Cedar Mesa and on to Muley Point escarpment. After a hike to the canyons edge and a brief lunch we headed back down the same spooky road with a stop at the Moki Dugway Overlook. Some of us got pictures of the smashed and rusted vehicles that had gone over the edge in days past, but others of us were afraid to get out of the car (no names mentioned-what scares some is a secret to all).
We all joined for dinner at Goulding’s Stage Coach restaurant and a beautiful sunset over the looming monuments to the east. What a great time with our wonderful Cuatro Estados friends. Tomorrow we will depart MV with most of us meeting up again at the RMMA rally in Farmington, NM.
Gene and Rosie
RMMA Farmington Rally Report
October 23-28,2024 Gene Dorsey, Chapter Coordinator
A whopping twelve rigs and 24 Cuatro Estados attended the RMMA rally at the San Juan County Fairgrounds in Farmington, NM. Our members included Matt Bentson & Katrina Cooper; Phil & Stephanie Bishop; Collin & Connie Broughton; Gene & Rosie Dorsey; Craig & Klea Ford; Ron Reinhardt & Ingrid Holliger; Pat & Gloria Romansik, all traveling from the Monument Valley Rally. We were pleasantly surprised that Bob & Sharee Scott and Mike Rodzilsky & MJ Brenner were able to join us. Arriving ahead of us were Cuatro Estados volunteers, Carl & Linda Threatt; Roger and Karen Redman, and Frank & Dessa Halasz. Thank you all for such a nice turnout. Because our chapter had the most attendees, we won $100 from RMMA which will be used to offset some of the cost of our new banners.
23rd Wed. Upon arrival we were pleased to be greeted by the parking team that included our members the Threatt’s and Redman’s who we can thank for parking us all together. After set up everyone participated in the many and various RMMA activities. Together loosely, we attended the opening ceremonies and watched the chapter videos, of which we were a featured chapter. Thank you Bill Eckel for putting that together.
24th Thu. We enjoyed coffee and donuts with music by the Frustrated Maestros featuring our own members, Frank & Dessa Halasz and Connie Broughton. Most attended some of the RMMA functions of the day, We had an impromptu “left-overs pot luck” and then were entertained by “The Great Divide” in the evening.
25th Fri. Coffee and donuts with Maestro music in the morning and RMMA activities throughout the day. In the afternoon we set up our new Chapter Fair display table and received many visitors during the Chapter Fair/Ice Cream Social. We got a lot of favorable comments about our booth and thanks goes to several of our members for the new banners, flagged arch, rally location map, picture collage, Spirit display, and everything that went to make it so attractive. Thanks also to all who helped set up and man our booth which resulted in new members and several others who took applications.
In the evening we had an enjoyable time betting on and cheering for our horse in the dice horse races.
26th Sat. The Maestros performed for the last time and again we participated individually in RMMA seminars and activities. Later we attended the live auction and closing ceremonies. That evening we had most of the dancers during the evenings entertainment by “Breazin”.
27th Sun. Departure day with hugs and safe travels shared all around. Thank you all for your attendance, support, and friendship. Someone told me we were “the life of the party” and it is all of you that makes Cuatro Estados such a fun chapter. I am so happy to be a part of it.
Gene Dorsey, President